The life and times of Jen's Kitchen

Jen's Kitchen is a food relief and outreach services program to survival sex workers in Vancouvers Downtown Eastside. Jen and her volunteers walk the streets handing out food and doing spiritual warfare. Est. 2004.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Quote I am putting on a T- Shirt

Don't sell drugs!
Because the government can't stand competion.

This is in response to our Mayor wanting to start programs that give out senthic Meth,Cocaine,alcohol etc.

This could cause people to relapse,because all the drugs are free and supported by the government.



  • At 2:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good Quote,how true is that.

    Sebastian Dao

  • At 7:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You may want to brush up on your spelling skills first

  • At 7:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You yourself are an enabler. You said in another post that you went to a shelter or something with a woman who was laying in dog shit. According to you, this woman showered and GOT HIGH. I can't help but wonder why you are "helping" such wastes of skin. There are so many other causes that are actually worthy of your time and efforts. You really seem like you want to help people but why hookers? I don't get it. And you are looking for society and government level support for these people? You're not going to find it. Our government will never support the selling of sex in our country and I can only hope that it stays that way. In fact, I will do all I can as a tax payer to make sure it doesn't happen.


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