The life and times of Jen's Kitchen

Jen's Kitchen is a food relief and outreach services program to survival sex workers in Vancouvers Downtown Eastside. Jen and her volunteers walk the streets handing out food and doing spiritual warfare. Est. 2004.

Monday, November 27, 2006

It's snowing in Vancouver

There is snow on the ground and lots of it.
This doesn't happens in Vancouver a whole lot,so I think we should enjoy it while it lasts.
It does take your mind off our bad water system right now,although some people in B.C. think it's the end of the world because they have no power right now,there's a snow storm when it really doesn't snow here alot and our water still isn't clean enough to drink.
Then there's some of us who are still fighting with the bed bugs.
But back to the postive side,this christmas we can't bitch "We didn't get any snow this year".

So in closing "Thank you Jesus for the white stuff on the ground".

Jen Allan

Saturday, November 25, 2006

29th Birthday

Yesterday was my 29th birthday.
I like to think of our birthday as a spiritual day,because that's the day Jesus brought us into the world.
So in order to celebrate this great day,I am throwing my own birthday bash tonight at 6PM.
We are going to have KFC and watch movies along with chips and pop.
I'll tell you how it went in my next blog.


Sunday, November 19, 2006

Movies you got to check out!

I've been at the movies lately.
If you want to get a laugh,go see Let's go to prison.
If you want on the edge,thrilling action,then go see The Departed.


Sunday, November 12, 2006

Movie review

Last night I went and saw (Little Miss Sunshine)

I recomend this movie to anyone who wants to laugh so hard they have tears coming down their face.

It's all about this very disfuncasional family that's trying to get to this beauty
contest in L.A. in order to enter their daughter into it.
Meanwhile their family's made up of a Herion snorting Grandfather,stressed out mother.
Then you got the Gay,can't be left along uncle because he keeps trying to kill him self.
The Father and his NINE STEPS to being a winner and their son has taken a vow of silence.
The funny part is all the problems they come up against,even at the beauty pagent.

So go see it.


My Quote This Week!

The Cold Rain Here SUCKS!!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Juice box radio

I was on the radio tonight for about an hour,educating society about servival sex work in the DTES.
It felt quite empowering to use your past to educate others about that lifestyle.
Now when I was in the sex trade I never thought in a million years people later in life would egknowlege my experince and for it to be used to advocate for others that are suffering in the servival sex trade.

I guess Jesus works in amazing ways.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

"That's against women's rights"

Thoose were the word's I spoke on the issue's of the Nicaragua Goverment banning abortions and putting a pently of 6 to 30 years in jail.
That also includes if a woman's prgent as result of RAPE,INCEST,or IF HER LIFE IS IN DANGERED BY GIVING BIRTH.

If you want more info go to Darren Hailes blog.

I was simply talking from the stand point of putting myself in a Nicaragua's women's shoes.
Over there the women have no rights,not even over their bodies.
Due to the level of poverty, Who's going to adopted their baby?.
The Child will most likley end up in a Human Trafficing Ring
I did some research on the human rights women in that country have.
This is what Amnesty International Report 2005 (The state of the world's human rights) said: Violence against women and girls.

There is concern at the high levels of violence against women and girls. The National police reported that 77 women had been murdered during 2003 and during the first quarter of 2004, 164 complaints of domestic violence were recived in one police district alone in that period of time.
In July,the Minster Of Health stated that 95 per cent of rapes in Nicaragua take place in the home.
The Supreme Court,with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank, began a consultion with state institutina and civil society with a view to setting up a cross-disciplinary programme of professional services to address the needs of victims of domestic and sexual violence.
Now to the women who are against abortion and view it as murder.
We have to remmber we live in a country of luxuary,police that will protect us, agentcies that will talk on our behalf or be there in a time of need.
We have the choice to give our baby up for adoption or not.
Mabey some day the women of Nicaragua will have the same rights,as we do in North America.

Jen Allan
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